Comics, Manga & Co.

Past Exhibitions

Comics, Manga & Co.

Arne Bellstorf, Martin Tom Dieck, Anke Feuchtenberger, Flix, Jens Harder, Sascha Hommer, Line Hoven, Ulf K., Reinhard Kleist, Isabel Kreitz, Mawil, Christina Plaka and Henning Wagenbreth.

24 February 2013 - 12 April 2013

Comics, Manga & Co., 2013

Comics, Manga & Co., 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co. introduces two generations of comic artists who have influenced contemporary German comic culture since the 1990s.

Conceived by Matthias Schneider, a Berlin based curator and comic expert and the Goethe-Institut, this travelling exhibition presents two generations of German comics artists: the 1990s post reunification avant-garde that paved the way for the emergence of an independent culture of German comics, and a generation of younger comics artists, whose work embraces a newer aesthetic and narrative aspect. The avant-garde is characterized by former GDR artists whose style was influenced by their strong training in traditional graphic and printing techniques such as hand press printing, calligraphy, lino and woodcut. Many of these artists taught the next generation of comics artists in German art schools.

While their artistic techniques, modes of narration and forms of publication may differ greatly, the artists in Comics, Manga & Co. share a keen interest in exploring the formal possibilities of the comic medium and opening it up to the graphic arts, painting and illustration.

Comics, Manga & Co. was in association with the Auckland Arts Festival 2013

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.

Comics, Manga & Co., installation view, 2013.